The Minus Button can be used to acess the Suspend menu, where you can view the Controls tab.The digital edition of the Super Mario™ 3D All-Stars game is no longer available for purchase. The Right Joycon moves the star cursor using the gyroscope inside, but this control method can only be used while the Joycons are disconnected from the processing unit. The touch screen correlates with the star cursor position. The star cursor can be controlled in two ways, with the Touch Screen or with the Right Joycon. Forward on the Right stick will put you into first person view, and the camera can be reset with L. The camera is controlled with the Right stick. X, Y, and Shaking the Right Joycon can be used to spin. Mario is controlled with the Left stick and can jump with A/B. The controls for Super Mario Galaxy on Nintendo Switch are similar to the controls on Nintendo Wii in terms of in-game movement. The pointer of the Wii remote appears as the star cursor on the screen. The game also uses the motion sensors of the Wii remote.

By pressing the upper part of the d-pad, the player can enter a first person perspective. The C centers the camera behind Mario, while the control pad can adjust the camera angle manually. Mario can do somersaults and do long jumps, and in this game, high jumps.

Mario is controlled with the analog stick and can jump with A. Super Mario Galaxy has several innovations and additions to the basic 3D Mario game concept. Once you Bowser as Luigi you unlock the Grand Finale Galaxy, where you from being by Bowser and Bowser Jr. When six Grand Stars are restored and you have enough power stars, you can travel to the center of the universe and Bowser for the final time to save Princess Peach and the universe. Through Mario's adventures, Bowser Jr and Bowser, and some other bosses. Rosalina tells him that he needs to help her retrieve some Grand Stars to recover the observatory's power, then the observatory can fly to the center of the galaxy to Princess Peach. After he gets his first Grand Star, he flies to the Comet Observatory which was powerless, but the Grand Star charged up half of the observatory's power, then the Terrace was available. Just then in space, a Magikoopa shot Mario to a distant planet where he and 3 Lumas. The airships lifted the castle out to the space. Mario was just in time to get to the front door of the castle when the flying saucer shot out blue lasers and cut a circle around the castle. He froze all the Toads into crystals and approached to Princess Peach's Castle. Bowser wanted Princess Peach to help him create his new galaxy. When he is at the center plaza of Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser attacked with his airships and one big flying saucer. Princess Peach invited Mario to her castle to go to the Star Festival.